2 posts tagged IoT


6 challenges presented by the growth of IoT and smart buildings

As the digital world becomes ever more ingrained in daily business proceedings, thorough security testing is critical. The Internet of Things, otherwise known as IoT, has been a hot topic of discussion for several years now, as more and more of our daily tasks become digitalized. IoT devices – which can range from self-driving cars to air conditioning systems to fridges that tell you when you need milk – open up a whole new world of possibility for business owners. And they aren’t ...

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How IoT impact on our daily life

The concept of The Internet of things (IoT) is very difficult in people's minds, IoT is the advance technology to transmit the information to the advance objects. Mostly the concept is it is used only in big-corporations and no use in humans life. They even don't have an idea that the devices we use normally in our day to day routine they also a similar term like we use most electronics in the home the connect to the internet and send or receive information through a computer, the most common ...

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