Content Marketing Strategies

Content Marketing Strategies for Hamilton Businesses

Content marketing is a cornerstone of digital marketing that involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. For businesses in Hamilton, effective content marketing strategies can drive significant growth and brand loyalty. In this blog, we will explore various content marketing strategies and how they can benefit your Hamilton business. Understanding Your Audience Knowing their interests, pain points, and preferences ...

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SMS Marketing

Top SMS Marketing Software & Platforms

It can seem like an endless "Where's Waldo?" game trying to find the best Short Messaging Service (SMS) marketing platform for your company. Not to add, even the best among us can procrastinate endlessly by contrasting the features, costs, integrations, automation capabilities, APIs, and workflows. Best SMS Marketing Software 1. TextMagic If time is of the essence, TextMagic is the way to go. You may sign up and send messages with it in only a few minutes thanks to its incredibly ...

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Digital Training Tools

Best Digital Training Tools to Help Boost Your Career

The best way to progress in your career is to continue to develop your skillset and knowledge. There are so many innovative, interesting, and even fun ways to do this. Simply showing and being able to prove to future employers that you are dedicated to your own development and have kept your skills sharp as the times change can do wonders for your career. This means going beyond what you can learn on the job. It means exploring new avenues to learn and develop your skills. Not only may this ...

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Web Designing Tips

Web Designing Tips to Increase Your Website’s Engagement

In today’s web-dominated world, websites have become the primary marketing tool for every brand. With a website, business owners can put their brand in the digital world and attract the target audience. However, it’s important to understand that you won’t be able to engage the customers if your website’s design is top-notch. Before everything else, the visitors will check out how your website looks. If there are no engaging elements or if the website is dull, people will immediately ...

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Digital Marketing

How to Increase Productivity For Your Digital Marketing Campaign

A digital marketing campaign can be one of a business’s most valuable investments. When completed correctly, a digital marketing campaign can increase brand awareness, increase traffic to your site, and boost sales. That being said, a digital marketing campaign is also a very difficult project to manage, involving lots of research and many different practices. It can be difficult to stay ahead and productive when managing a digital marketing campaign, but luckily there are tools on the ...

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Digital Marketing

Why Should Companies Incorporate the 5D’s of Digital Marketing?

Marketing has constantly been evolving and taking new shapes and forms. The concept of marketing has gone through more variations than any other area of the present era. It traveled through different phases, from the most conventional of ways to the most contemporary ones. For instance, online ads replaced billboards as the prime means for marketing a product or company. Marketing is an ever-evolving phenomenon also because of the aggressive pace of technology. New tools, software, and ...

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Digital Marketing Report

Digital Marketing Report Tips by Web Presence

Creating digital marketing reports can seem like a mammoth task, so Web Presence has broken it down into manageable sections to make sure you remember what to include to make your report as accurate and comprehensive as possible. Here are just a few tips on creating a successful digital marketing report. What is a Digital Marketing Report? A DMR, or a digital marketing report, is used to take a look at the performance across digital channels, usually every quarter. These tips by Web ...

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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing with Microsoft

Such is Google’s dominance of the landscape that, for many of us, digital marketing is almost synonymous with Google. This isn’t surprising given Google’s overwhelming share of the internet search market, which stands at 90-95% worldwide. Of course, digital marketing comprises more than just internet search and any balanced digital marketing strategy should employ multiple elements working together. Let’s take a look at some of what Microsoft offers, as both an alternative and a ...

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Localization and the User Experienc

How to Use Localization for Improved UX: Language, Localization and the User Experience

User Experience (UX) as a concept is actually quite subjective. UX is defined as a person’s emotion or attitude towards using a product or platform. And the perception of the user experience is largely reliant on context: the types of devices, the audience’s aesthetic preferences, usability and accessibility requirements, infrastructure limitations and so on. While there are design and communication principles that have been commonplace and therefore deemed as “good practice,” UX ...

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Internal Communications

Internal Communications: The Best Practices You Need to Implement

For success, every business has to take into account a wide array of different elements. Having the right products and services is one of the biggest factors, as is the ability to market them effectively. Another essential aspect is communication.  Now you might have strong communication channels established between you and your customers. However, there’s another component of communication you cannot overlook – that between all employees within your business.  Strong ...

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