• artificial intelligence in construction

How AI Will Help Construction Crews Work Faster & Safer

The adoption of technology is transforming the construction industry in a significant way. In particular, companies are appreciating data-driving decisions in the workplace. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out due to its unique advantages and its ability to help a construction company realize optimal objectives. McKinsey & Company state that AI will be the next digital frontier. Here is how AI will help construction crew work faster and safer:

The use of AI helps construction managers and workers eliminate mistakes. Mistakes in the construction industry can be costly to the extent of causing death. In connection to this, mistakes in construction work could lead to a faulty structure that is going to compromise the safety of construction employees and third parties.

The construction industry has an inherent weakness in that it is dangerous. By using integrated road flare technology with other beacons, construction managers can keep their workers safer throughout the construction site. A close look at a very tall building shows the courage that one needs in making a successful construction task. Construction workers have a five times higher likelihood of death when compared to other categories of laborers. 

Falls in a construction site have been an anathema to the construction process leading to severe injuries or death. The challenge that contractors face is how best to protect their employees and, at the same time, offer high quality and timely services. Instructing employees to be careful is not a best practice in safety.

AI Will Monitor Employee Behavior

AI can be used to monitor the behavior of employees and thereon inform the management of how to make safety improvements. For instance, the data scientist can take photos of the site, and inform the project manager on the number of employees who are not wearing their helmet. 

This process involves the computation of risk rating. The project managers will then respond to the data and seek the corresponding behavior modification. Similarly, video technology can help inform future education and training priorities.

Another strategy used by contractors is to perform some tasks elsewhere and do as little as possible at the construction site. AI can play a critical role in the simplification of construction tasks. 

Robotics and AI are a perfect combination in building in a controlled factory and then transporting the products to the construction site. In connection with this, professionals have predicted that, by 2022, the modular construction sector will increase by an impressive 6 %.

IoT Will Help Keep Construction Projects On Track

Construction projects follow a rigid timeline. In fact, a project manager could be sued for delays in executing the plan and finalizing it. In such a case, AI comes in handy in offering a fast solution to meeting goals within a specified timeframe. 

Again, the quicker the project runs, the less the cost, and the less the likelihood of an injury. The timely project will positively impact on the reputation of the construction company.

AI can help stakeholders in the construction lifecycle to work in harmony and relate to each other as an ecosystem. These include owners, contractors, operators, and service providers. The stakeholders are going to embark on streamlined operations, which will help them create and sustain symbiotic relationships based on a win-win scenario. What is essential is to establish and maintain a viable and sustainable working environment.

The construction industry can borrow from the interaction of the pharmaceutical industries and AI. The pharm tech has used AI as a tool for making informed predictions of outcomes in medical trials. 

Similarly, AI can use AI in predictive analysis in predicting constructability and structural ability. It can also be used to test the quality of building materials. Predictive analysis plays a critical role in saving time and money that would have been used in case of a wrong implementation decision.


There is no limitation in the possibilities that AI can offer. These include and not limited to robotics, natural language processing, and machine learning. If the current observations in the contraction industry are anything to go by, the construction industry is optimistic and will continue to have immense opportunities. 

Therefore, you need to exploit these opportunities in a faster and safer way. AI is a cost-effective, fast, and efficient platform for achieving faster and safer construction objectives. Overall, the market will experience the proliferation of AI due to its immense benefits and high rate of investment (ROI).

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