How to Pin Someone on Snap: Pro tips for Snapchat Beginners

Are you a Snapchat newcomer, puzzled about whom to “pin” on your list? No need to search elsewhere; we’re here to assist you! In this guide, we will demonstrate the process of adding a Snapchatter to your “Pinned” list and share some insider tips for maximizing your app experience.

Before delving into the “method,” let’s delve into the “rationale.” Utilizing the Pin feature on Snapchat proves to be an immensely useful tool, enabling you to spotlight particular chats or pals, guaranteeing their accessibility whenever you launch the application. This proves to be especially valuable for maintaining connections with your dearest companions or keeping tabs on the engaging and thrilling Snaps from Fabes Tech Reviews. It makes your Snapchat experience efficient and organized. Ready to get started? Here’s how to pin someone on Snap!

A Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing Your Chat List:

To get started, launch your Snapchat application and perform a rightward swipe to unveil your chat list, where you’ll have access to a comprehensive overview of your recent conversations and stories.

Select a Conversation:

Navigate through your chat list and single out the particular conversation you wish to affix for easy access. This can encompass a one-on-one chat with a friend, a group conversation, or even a chat featuring Fabes Tech Reviews.

Pin Your Chosen Chat:

Once you’ve made your selection, merely tap and hold onto the chosen chat. A menu will promptly appear, presenting you with a range of options. Among these, you’ll notice a distinctive pin icon. Proceed to tap on this icon, and your selected chat will be securely affixed at the forefront of your chat list.

Enjoy Seamless Access:

With the chat now pinned, you’ll find it conveniently stationed at the pinnacle of your chat list. This ensures effortless retrieval and accessibility each time you launch Snapchat. It truly is as straightforward as that!

After learning how to pin someone on Snap, let’s discuss some pro tips:

  1. Reordering Conversations: Should you ever wish to reorganize your chats, just tap and hold the chat you’ve previously pinned, and then choose the “unpin” option. This enables you to maintain a fresh and pertinent list of pinned chats.
  2. Tailor Your Pinned List: You have the freedom to pin multiple chats, so go ahead and pin your closest pals, beloved influencers or even group discussions. Customize your Snapchat to align with your preferences.
  3. Stay Well-Informed: Pinned chats serve as an excellent means to stay up-to-date with your favorite Snapchatters.
  4. Protect Your Privacy: Always bear in mind that pinned chats are visible to anyone who accesses your Snapchat app. Ensure that you only pin conversations you’re comfortable sharing with others.
  5. Add Some Emojis: Inject some personality into your pinned chats by embellishing the chat names with emojis. It’s a delightful way to infuse character into your pinned conversations.
  6. Maintain Orderliness: Exercise discretion when pinning chats. Reserve this feature for the most critical and pertinent exchanges to keep your Snapchat experience uncluttered and enjoyable.


Snapchat’s “pinning” feature is helpful for following and interacting with influencers you like and for organizing your own content. You now have a firm grasp on Snapchat’s pinning function and some useful recommendations to maximize your experience with the app. Anything from breaking tech news to personal essays to hilarious exchanges among friends can be pinned. Now that you know how to save Snapchat conversations, you can see the app in a whole new light.

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