• Social media marketing

Why businesses need to get more active with social media marketing?

According to an estimate, 90 percent of all marketers agree that social media marketing has made a significant contribution to their business exposure. 66 percent of the marketers recommend spending at least six hours on social media every week can increase the leads. Regardless of the product, a business is selling, social media has proven to be an efficient marketing tool that helps grow the brand. 

Here are a few more reasons businesses should be more active on social media marketing: 

Direct Connection with Customers

Do you know that the number of social media users will reach around 3.1 billion by 2021? Also, 59 percent of people use social media on a daily basis. That means most of your potential customers are on social media. Moreover, social media is a platform where you can directly interact with your prospective customers and spread the word about your business.

You can easily connect with your target audience if you are more active on social media channels. This way, you are actually reaching out to your audience instead of making them come to you. 

Targeted Traffic 

A study conducted by Pew Research Center shows that 68 percent of American adults use Facebook, while 78 percent use Instagram and 45 percent use Twitter. You have got a significant chunk of your target audience in one place. It means more traffic for your content. Not only that it is higher, but targeted traffic is also coming to your website. 

It takes a while before an article or blog gets recognized on Google after publishing. That means only a few customers will be aware of the new content. With social media marketing, you can let your customers know about the new content as soon as it is published. The new posts will pop up in the feeds of the customers (followers) and people who might be interested in your product or services. It will bring only those visitors to your website that you intend to. 

A simple link on Reddit has the potential to bring hundreds of visitors in just a week. 

Understanding of the Audience 

You get to understand your audience through social media marketing. As mentioned earlier, you have the opportunity to interact with your customers on social media. You can see their status updates and tweets, which tell a great deal about their preferences. You can evaluate their daily lives and behaviors as well as know their buying preferences, hobbies, and the websites they visit (by shares). 

This knowledge comes with many marketing benefits. When you have developed an understanding of your customers, you can provide just the right content that invites more traffic. It can also help a business improve sales conversion and enable it to improve the product strategy. 

Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

The infamous crawlers know well which pages are inviting continuous traffic and which ones are just lying there—ignored and forlorn. Undoubtedly, your content strategy still plays a significant role in determining your search rankings. However, if more traffic is driven to your optimized pages, the ranking will go up further. 

Many a time, just re-sharing the situation-appropriate content on social media does the job. On the side note, that does not mean you do not need to share any new content. The re-shares are recommended once a month. You can use Twitter’s Hootsuite or Facebook’s scheduling tool to preset the re-shares of a month. 

Builds Credibility 

People are not much impressed by businesses that publish mundane, business-like social media posts. Refine your brand’s personality and let it do the job of impressing the social media users. First, decide the tone of your brand. It should represent your business. 

James Jacob from Jaalatek Solutions has these tips for businesses: “While setting the tone, ensure that it is true to who you are as a business. It can be casual, formal, funny, or friendly. Above all, it should be realistic, so that your accounts come off as authentic. People want to see a real person behind the social profile”. 

Brand Awareness

Social media proves to be instrumental when it comes to boosting brand awareness. Work on a robust social media marketing strategy to reap the benefits, which would be seized by your competitors otherwise. 

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