• Web Designing Tips

Web Designing Tips to Increase Your Website’s Engagement

In today’s web-dominated world, websites have become the primary marketing tool for every brand. With a website, business owners can put their brand in the digital world and attract the target audience. However, it’s important to understand that you won’t be able to engage the customers if your website’s design is top-notch. Before everything else, the visitors will check out how your website looks. If there are no engaging elements or if the website is dull, people will immediately look for other options, which will skyrocket your website’s bounce rate drastically. 

That’s why it’s crucial to look for professional web design Brampton services. This will allow you to get professional assistance from experienced designers and increase the overall engagement of your website. To help you along the way, here are some of the additional designing tips to build an engaging website for your potential customers. 

1. Keep the Homepage Clutter-Free

Whether you have an in-house web designing team or have outsourced the work to third-party designers, it’ll be crucial to ensure that your website’s home page is simple and clutter-free. 

Adding too many elements to the homepage can easily ruin your website’s first impression. Not to mention, if the home page is too cluttered, it’ll be challenging for the visitors to navigate to other web pages. To avoid this scenario, it’s always important to keep the home page as simple as possible. 

2. Focus on Navigation

Speaking of navigation, you’ll also need to make sure that your website has an easy-to-navigate design. Why? Because several studies have shown that websites that don’t offer easy navigation usually have a low customer retention rate. It’s important to understand that your customers don’t have time to spend several minutes to find a specific page on the website. 

In fact, if it becomes too annoying for them to navigate to a certain page, they’ll most likely look for other options, even if your services/products are top-notch. To avoid this scenario, make sure that your website offers an easily navigable interface. 

One of the ways to do this is to ask your Website Design London team to place a navigation menu at the top of the website and equip it with links to different web pages. This way the users will be able to navigate to any page on the website without facing any challenges. 

3. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Another designing element that’ll help you make your website more engaging is keeping it mobile-friendly. The reason being mobile phones have taken over traditional desktops and the majority of users access websites on the smartphones themselves. In such a scenario, if your website doesn’t have a mobile-friendly design, you’ll struggle to maintain the desired retention rate. 

To make your website mobile-friendly, we recommend choosing a mobile-friendly or responsive theme from the theme store. Today, the majority of website builders offer thousands of mobile-friendly themes. All you need to do is integrate them into your website and make it easier for mobile users to access your website. 


At this point, you already know that the website’s design can easily make or break your business. If you don’t improve the design, there’s a huge probability you might end up losing valuable customers. So, reach out to a seo services Brampton company and let experienced designers enhance the overall appearance of your website. 

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